What Nursing Interventions Can Be Used to Improve Feeding and Eating for the Client
Primary Reviewer
Gail Whitelock BSc, CFJBI, APDone ii
1MSc Clinical Sciences Candidate, The Joanna Briggs Institute, Faculty of Health Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Commonwealth of australia.
2Senior Dietitian, Department of Clinical Dietetics, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, SA 5000, Commonwealth of australia
[e-mail protected]
Secondary Reviewer:
Mary-Anne Ramis BNi 3
3Research Nurse, Nursing Research Center, Mater Wellness Service, South Brisbane, QLD 4101, Australia
[email protected]
Review Objective/Question
The objective of this review is to identify, assess and synthesise the bachelor prove on the effectiveness of mealtime interventions that amend nutritional intake in adult patients in the acute care setting. Interventions reviewed will non include nutritional interventions that are related to the bodily food or fluids offered or ordered, for or by the patient, just rather will include interventions that evaluate or change the environment and/or circumstances of the patient's mealtimes. Mealtimes volition exist taken to hateful both designated mealtimes and/or other times when patients may swallow or drink.
The review question is: What are the effects of identified mealtime interventions in improving the nutritional intake of adult patients in the acute intendance setting?
Malnutrition has been well documented over the last few decades as being a common problem in astute care hospitals which is often unrecognised and untreated. ane-3 In the astute care setting malnutrition is known to consequence betwixt 20-50% of patients depending on the primary disease state and criteria used to determine nutritional status. 1,2,iv Malnutrition is associated with a number of adverse complications including increased morbidity and mortality, delayed wound healing, increased infection rates, functional decline and increased length of stay in hospital.i,4,five
Malnutrition can be taken to mean both under- and over-diet. Even so, despite this definition, it is under-nutrition which has been adopted past many healthcare professionals to exist the common meaning of malnutrition. Nether-nutrition has been divers by Allison as "a state of free energy, protein or other specific nutrient deficiency which produces a measurable change in body function and is associated with worse outcome from illness as well as being specifically reversed by nutritional support".half-dozen For the purposes of this systematic review the term malnutrition will refer to the state of protein energy under-nutrition.
There have been numerous studies addressing the field of study of malnutrition in the acute intendance setting by healthcare professionals from a variety of disciplines. Many focus on aspects of identifying malnutrition and its treatment through nutritional provision like modified menus, oral nutritional supplements or enteral feeding.7,8 However, despite the development in recent years of validated nutritional screening tools to assist in identifying patients at risk of malnutrition and the technological advances in patient nutritional provision through enteral feeding products, oral nutritional supplements and food service production malnutrition remains an issue in astute care hospitals which is costing healthcare providers and patients alike.4,9.
Even when diagnosed as existence malnourished or identified as being at gamble of malnutrition and provided with an individualised tailored repast program, patients may however accept an inadequate nutritional intake due to suboptimal ecology factors, organisational and physical barriers.x The post-obit scenarios may contribute to an inadequate nutritional intake:
- missing meals due to medical and surgical procedures beingness performed at mealtimes
- extended and/or inappropriate periods of fasting
- food and fluids non being available when required
- nutrient and fluids placed out of accomplish
- lack of assistance with opening food and fluid packaging
- lack of assistance with feeding and ready for meals
- disturbances during mealtimes including noise, smells and staff interruptions
- lack of the necessary encouragement to eat
In a bid to improve manage malnutrition in hospitals organisations like Age Great britain, the British Association of Parenteral and Enteral Diet (BAPEN) and the Council for Europe have been promoting strategies such as 'protected mealtimes' and the 'red tray arrangement' as supportive nutritional interventions to promote optimal eating and feeding practices in hospitals.xi,12 Given this involvement in supportive nutritional practices which chronicle more than to the environment and circumstances of eating, this review proposes to examine those interventions which promote optimal eating and feeding for adult patients in the acute care setting which are not solely nutritional screening or interventions based on the provision of additional energy and protein.
It is also envisaged that this review will assist in formulating some guidance with regard to supportive environmental and nutritional practices in acute care.
An initial limited search has been undertaken to define the suitability of the proposed topic and to determine if this or a similar review had already been conducted. The following related articles were found:
- Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Systematic Review by Vanderkroft et al in 2007 entitled 'Minimising under nutrition in the older person'.13 This review was undertaken in the acute intendance setting and gear up out to identify best practices to minimise under-nutrition in patients aged 65 years and older. The review included 29 identified studies from 1980 to 2005. The interventions in the included studies related to additional nutritional provision from modified menus, oral nutrition supplementation or enteral feeds. Although conducted in the aforementioned setting every bit the intended review, Vanderkroft's review was specific to elderly patients and focused on nutritional provision interventions.
- Joanna Briggs Institute Systematic Review Protocol 'The effectiveness of interventions to reduce nether-diet and promote eating in older adults with dementia: a systematic review' past Jackson was registered in 2009.fourteen The protocol indicates that the author will exist because both direct nutritional provision and related nursing, food service, dietetic and feeding practices. Although these related practices are as well the intended focus of this review the population groups are different in that this protocol indicates that the author intends only to focus on patients with dementia and not other affliction states and that a variety of care settings will be reviewed.
- The Cochrane review by Milne et al in 2009 entitled 'Protein and energy supplementation in elderly people at risk from malnutrition'.8 This review examined 62 randomised and quasi-randomised controlled trials conducted with elderly patients who were provided with additional energy and poly peptide primarily from oral nutritional supplements. Every bit this review did not examine supportive nutritional practices and its focus was on elderly patients it is deemed sufficiently different to the intended review.
- Review in the Journal of Clinical Nursing by Jefferies et al in 2011 entitled 'Nurturing and nourishing: the nurses' role in nutritional intendance.'15 The aim of this qualitative systematic review was to draw what nurses could do to reduce the incidence of malnutrition in patients in acute care and long term hospitals. The review examined what nurses could do to facilitate access to food, support the mealtime environs and prevent prolonged and repeated periods of nil-by-mouth. The review identified 73 papers from 1998 to 2008 and used JBI appraisal instruments to evaluate the literature. The outcome of this review was used to produce viii nursing standards to form the basis of a infirmary policy. This review examined patients in both acute and long term care and was only concerned with exploring the nurses' office and not that of other staff members.
Inclusion Criteria
Types of Participants
The review volition consider publications that include male and female adults anile xviii years old and over, from any indigenous background, who are inpatients in astute care hospitals with any diagnosis. The review will consider patients who obtain their nutrition by oral route and exclude patients who are enterally or parentrally fed.
The review volition exclude patients in intensive care or high dependency facilities, palliative care and end of life patients. Other healthcare settings such as rehabilitation, transitional care and residential aged care facilities will non be considered.
Types of Intervention
Interventions may include just will not exist limited to:
Organisational practices
Food Service practices
Nursing practices
Medical practices
Dietetic practices
Dietetic/Nutrition/Nutrition Assistant practices
Volunteer practices
Family/carer practices
The following mealtime interventions have been identified as having the potential to influence nutritional intake and therefore will be examined in the kickoff instance:
- Focused or ready for meals practices where a pre-mealtime routine of getting patients ready for mealtimes occurs. This practise may include washing easily, toileting, ensuring space bachelor for meal tray and correct position for eating.
- Meal delivery systems or targeted feeding help practices e.yard. 'ruby tray system' where patients previously identified equally requiring feeding aid accept their repast delivered on a red tray which acts equally a visual cue to all staff that the patient requires feeding aid.
- Feeding assistance practices where patients are provided with feeding help past nursing staff, nursing/dietetic/nutrition assistants or volunteers.
- 'Protected meal times' where patients are allowed to eat undisturbed at mealtimes and exercise not undergo medical procedures during this fourth dimension.
- Ward dining rooms where patients eat in a designated room or expanse specifically designed for mealtimes and free from other ward distractions.
- Ward kitchens/pantries which let patients 24 hr access to food and fluids.
- Nutrition support teams who consider more than just the foods or fluids prescribed for the patient but also the commitment of the higher up practices.
Interventions which solely chronicle to the actual food or fluid offered or ordered, for or by the patient, volition not be considered. Strategies to promote the identification of malnutrition due east.g. nutritional screening volition not exist included in this review.
Types of Upshot
The master outcomes of interest are measures of improved dietary intake and/or nutritional status. These may include actual or subjective measures of plate waste matter, documented food intakes, patient weight, Body Mass Index (BMI) and malnutrition status as determined by nutritional screening or assessment tools. Secondary outcome measures of length of stay in hospital and all-crusade mortality will besides exist considered.
Types of Studies
This review will consider any experimental studies including Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) and quasi-RCTs. In the absenteeism of these studies or in the outcome of bereft data beingness available the review volition extend to other report designs primarily prospective observational studies.
Search Strategy
The search strategy aims to find published and unpublished studies reported in English language. A iii step search strategy will be utilised in this review. An initial limited search of MEDLINE and CINAHL will exist undertaken followed by analysis of the text words contained in the title and abstract, and of the index terms used to depict the article.
A 2nd search using all identified keyword and index terms volition then be undertaken beyond all included databases. Thirdly, the reference listing of all identified reports and manufactures will be searched for additional studies.
The following databases will be searched:
Informit - Wellness
Cochrane Clinical Trials Register
Australian Digital Theses Program
Alphabetize to Theses
Proquest Dissertations & Theses
The following keywords have been identified for use in the initial search:
Food service
Dining rooms
Feeding methods
Eating behaviour
Feeding assistance
Assisted feeding
Feeding volunteers
Red tray
Protected mealtimes
Focused mealtime
Nutritional intake
Food intake
Dietary intake
Diet records
Plate waste product
Torso Mass Alphabetize
Weight loss
Length of stay
Nutritional status
Acute intendance
Exclusion terms volition include enteral feeding, tube feeding, PEG feeding and parenteral feeding.
In add-on, this review will also search the following organisations publications, reports and spider web sites:
Australian State and Federal Government Departments of Health
National Health Service, UK
Age United kingdom
Dietitians Clan of Australia
British Dietetic Clan
American Dietetic Association
Dietitian of Canada /Les diététistes du Canada
Australasian Order for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
British Clan for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
European Lodge for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition
Australian Nursing Federation
Royal College of Nursing United kingdom
American Nurses Association
Canadian Nurses Association
Selected journals that feature a number of papers from the beginning, 2d and third searches will be hand searched to locate any boosted papers which may see the search criteria.
Assessment of Methodological Quality
Papers selected for retrieval volition be assessed by two independent reviewers for methodological validity prior to inclusion in the review using standard disquisitional appraisal instruments from the Joanna Briggs Plant Meta Analysis Statistics Assessment and Review Instrument (JBI-MAStARI), (Appendix I). Any disagreements that arise betwixt the reviewers will be resolved through discussion, or with a third reviewer experienced in the topic and the systematic review procedure.
Data Drove
Every bit this review will focus on quantitative measures, the data will exist extracted using the JBI data extraction tool MAStARI, (Appendix Ii). The primary and secondary reviewers volition extract the information independently.
Data Synthesis
Data from the studies will, where possible, be pooled in statistical analysis using JBI-MAStARI, with results displayed in a forest plot. All results volition be subject to double data entry. Odds ratio (for chiselled data) and weighted mean differences (for continuous data) and their 95% confidence intervals volition be calculated.
Heterogeneity volition exist assessed using the standard Chi-square with a random effects model considered for the presentation of statistics. Methodological differences encountered, for example differences in written report pattern, may be explored by sub-analysis where advisable. Where statistical pooling is non possible the findings will be presented in narrative form.
Conflicts of Interest
As this systematic review forms part of a submission for a MSc Clinical Sciences, a secondary reviewer will only be used for disquisitional appraisal and data entry stages of the review.
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8. Milne Ac, Potter J, Vivanti A & Avenell A. Protein and energy supplementation in elderly people at risk from malnutrition (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2009, Issue two. Art. No.: CD003288.
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9. Lennard-Jones JE et al. A Positive Approach to Nutrition every bit Treatment. Kings Fund Centre. 1992.
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10. Naithani South, Whelan Yard, Thomas J, Gulliford MC & Morgan M. Infirmary inpatients' experiences of access to food: a qualitative interview and observational study. Health Expectations 2008; xi: 294-303
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11. Age Concern. Hungry to be Heard - The scandal of malnourished older people in hospital. London: Age Concern, 2006.
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12. Council for Europe - Commission of Ministers. Resolution ResAP(2003)3 on food and nutritional intendance in hospitals, 2003.
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13. Vanderkroft D, Collins CE, Fitzgerald M, Lewis S, Neve M and Capra S Minimising undernutrition in the older inpatient. International Journal Of Evidence-Based Healthcare 2007; v: 3 110-181.
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14. Jackson J et al. Systematic Review Protocol - The effectiveness of interventions to reduce undernutrition and promote eating in older adults with dementia: A systematic review. JBI protocol 2009.
- Cited Here
xv. Jefferies D. Johnson Chiliad & Ravens J. Nurturing and nourishing: the nurses' role in nutritional care. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011; 20: 317-330.
Appendix I JBI critical appraisal tools MAStARI

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Appendix Ii JBI data extraction tools MAStARI

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Source: https://journals.lww.com/jbisrir/fulltext/2011/09481/effectiveness_of_mealtime_interventions_in.7.aspx
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