Netgear Modem Speed Test Download Speed Upload Speed

At one indicate or another, y'all might accept wondered how to exercise a proper Wi-Fi speed test or the right way to effigy out how fast your Net actually is.

In this mail, you'll find the respond to that question, namely the absolute speeds of your connections. Take absolute with a big grain of table salt, though, since these speeds vary a corking deal.

As a bonus, I'll also reveal how I test Wi-Fi speed — including the latest Wi-Fi 6/E — for my reviews on this website. Spoiler: It's easier, though more than fourth dimension-consuming than you lot call back.

Earlier we continue, make sure yous sympathize how Wi-Fi and the Net are two dissimilar things.

Dong's notation: I first published this post on December xix, 2018, and final updated information technology on June 7, 2021, to include boosted relevant information.

Internet or Wi-Fi Speed Test: Netgear CM600 Cable Modem
Internet or Wi-Fi Speed Test: Figuring out those numbers can exist a challenge.

Why y'all should intendance nearly your Internet speed

It'south generally helpful to know how fast your Internet is. Faster is always better, merely nigh importantly, you need certain speed grades to practice specific tasks.

Take video streaming — one of the about bandwidth-taxing online activities — for example; you'll by and large need a minimum download speed of:

  • three Megabits per 2d for DVD quality.
  • 5Mbps for Hd quality.
  • 25Mbps for Blu-ray (4K) quality.
  • 80Mbps for 8K video.

Go along in listen that this is the speed required by a single stream. If yous have more than ane person streaming simultaneously, y'all generally need to multiply those numbers with the concurrent clients to figure out the necessary real-time bandwidth.

Also, there are a lot more online applications than streaming. Some of these applications — such equally automatic updates — even occur within a continued device without y'all getting involved.

So yes, again, faster Net is always better. But there's more than the download speed when it comes to the Cyberspace.

Internet connection explained

When testing an Net connectedness, yous'll get ii chief numbers, download and upload — sometimes they are called downlink and uplink. And y'all might too see a few other values, including ping, jitter, and package loss.

Post-obit is the breakdown of what they mean.

Internet speed: Upload vs download

Download speed represents how fast you can pull things from exterior your local network.

That said, streaming a moving picture, surfing a website, downloading a file, getting an email, etc., use the download pipe.

(In a speed examination, download is the speed from the remote server that hosts the test data to your device.)

Upload represents the speed of the opposite direction.

Things like sending an email, posting a photo or comment to Facebook, saving a file to Google Drive, using deject-recording/smart devices, etc., use the upload piping.

While we use more of the download piping, data transmission — delivered in small portions called packets — needs both directions to piece of work. That'due south because your estimator uses the upload pipe to send a confirmation to the remote server that it has received a parcel and is ready for the side by side one.

That said, when the upload pipe is all clogged upwards, you tin't download anything at all.

In most traditional broadband connections, such every bit one via a cablevision modem, the download speed tends to be much faster than the upload speed. Only you might get the same charge per unit for both directions with a more modern connection, like a fiberoptic service.

Still, if somebody is seeding a torrent file, or uploading something big, without limiting the upload speed for the task, others might not be able to download annihilation. Keep that in listen.

(Notation: Cloud-recording security cameras, like those from Google or Arlo, and "smart devices" in general, tin can put a massive strain on the upload. Don't utilise them if y'all have a modest broadband connection. In this case, y'all might need to conserve your Net bandwidth. )

Packet loss

Every bit the name suggests, packet loss happens when a packet of information is either non received or partially received.

Most of the time, this is the event of a bad physical connectedness or incompatible MTU settings. In this case, the package will be resent. Packet loss shouldn't be higher than 1 percent.

Lag (or latency): Ping vs jitter

Both ping and jitter relate to the delay in a connexion, but they are slightly different.

Ping is the fixed latency or lag at a given time — in a speed test, it's mostly measured at the first. It'southward the corporeality of fourth dimension, shown in milliseconds, needed for a data package from 1 party to reach some other or vice versa.

The shorter your ping is, the better your Net connection is for applications that require real-time interaction, such equally Wi-Fi calling or online gaming. Generally, a ping of 15ms or shorter is considered excellent.

Jitter, often called Parcel Filibuster Variation (PDV) or ping variations, measures ping values over time — the entire test.

In other words, if every packet takes the exact corporeality of fourth dimension — no affair how long — to go far at the destination, then there's no jitter.

The higher the jitter value, the more likely a package loss volition occur. Jitter value should be below 30ms and is mostly below 10ms.

How to do a real Cyberspace speed test

There are many speed test websites, such as,, or Speedtest.cyberspace.

Don't get too obsessed about which to use. These tests are however in the examination methodology. However, the results will vary due to the server'south location (and its Internet speed). So selection one that'southward best for your location, and in that sense, is excellent.

Since you're on this folio, do a quick test right now.

• This test transfers data between your device and an Ookla test server.

And then how fast is it? Totally fast, and you're happy with information technology? Good for you! You can move on now. But if for some reason it'due south not what you lot expected, keep in heed that chances are it's non your correct Internet speed anyway.

(Note: If you were using a phone'southward cellular connexion during the test, then that was indeed the actual speed of your Cyberspace. Yet, mobile Net speed continuously varies a great deal depending on where you are.)

Permit me explain. When you did the test, there might have been other devices in the network, also using part of the connectedness's bandwidth.

If you have an ultra-loftier-speed broadband program, the local Wi-Fi or your calculator'due south wired connection might not exist fast enough to evangelize the Internet speed in full.

That said, to detect out the real speed of your broadband connection, you need to practice a bit of preparation earlier the testing.

Netgear CM600 Cable Modem 3
Your Net speed is generally right at the modem or whatever similar terminal device at your home's broadband drop.

What you lot demand to practice a real Internet speed test

First, make sure y'all don't turn on whatever specific bandwidth-related features of the router, such as bandwidth command or QoS.

These features tend to limit the bandwidth and in most cases, that'south a good thing, just not when you want to see how fast your connection is. Generally, it'south best to use the router equally its default settings during the tests.

After that, y'all also need:

  1. A exam figurer with a network port. A Gigabit port is fine near of the time, just if you lot want to test a full Gigabit, Gig+, or faster broadband connection, a Multi-Gig-capable (ii.5Gbps, 5Gbps, 10Gbps) computer is a must.
  2. Connect the test machine directly to the Internet source — such every bit a modem, a gateway, or a Cobweb ONT — using a network cable. The objective here is to remove all center devices, similar a slow switch or router, that tin be the bottleneck.
  3. Check to make certain the reckoner is the only device using the broadband connectedness during the test. For instance, if the Net source is a gateway, brand sure yous disconnect all other devices from information technology (unplug all other network cables and plough off its Wi-Fi.)

And that's information technology! Now on the test estimator, do a few speed tests as yous did earlier. The number you lot get is your real Internet speed.

By the fashion, you'll likely still go a different result each time you practise a test. That'due south merely how the Internet is. Experience free to use the highest number as your broadband score.

Now, if it'southward still significantly lower than what you pay for, it's time to call the provider to complain.

Over again this complicated real test is to make sure you lot go what you pay for. You can always exercise a random test on whatsoever device to find out the connectedness speed at paw. And if that's fast enough for your need, don't bother to practise anything else.

How to test a router's Wi-Fi speed test

In that location are many Wi-Fi speed examination apps. None of these are accurate for a couple of reasons.

Commencement, mobile devices almost ever optimize their Wi-Fi adapter for power consumption and not a performance to conserve bombardment life. That's considering the former is way more than important in existent-world usage.

Second, none of these apps can motion data betwixt itself and some other to replicate what users do in real life. They are all synthetic.

That said, avert using speed exam apps if y'all want to know how fast your local Wi-Fi speed really is.

Past the same token, you shouldn't apply Internet speed test apps to test the local Wi-Fi speed, either. A router'due south Wi-Fi speed is likely much faster than the speed of a broadband connexion.

And even when you take an ultra-fast Internet, there are many variations in the world wide spider web that can adversely affect broadband speeds. As a result, it's rarely authentic, if at all, to apply the Cyberspace to examination your Wi-Fi's throughputs.

It's OK to utilise a telephone to do a speed test.

Just keep in heed that it'due south non 100% indicative of your Wi-Fi or broadband speeds. Rather, it's the speed of the phone'due south Wi-Fi capability or its Internet at a particular time. And that'due south helpful information.

That said, if either your Internet or the Wi-Fi connection is faster than a certain speed grade, say 500Mbps, and you want to figure out the true speed, yous need to test information technology via a real computer with the fastest network and Wi-Fi adapter to make sure.

The best way to find out a router's Wi-Fi speed is to copy data from one calculator (a server) to another (a Wi-Fi customer) within the local network, using a single wired-to-wireless connection.

If you use multiple Wi-Fi clients for the testing, the router'southward Wi-Fi bandwidth is shared, and therefore, you lot tin't find out how fast its Wi-Fi tin genuinely be. That's not to mention Wi-Fi software drivers tend to be optimized for bombardment life and therefore favor download over upload.

And that ways, again, you demand to practise some preparation.

What yous need to exercise a real Wi-Fi speed test

In my experience, the real-world speed of Wi-Fi 5 (802.11ac), even at its all-time, has never surpassed the sustained rate of a wired Gigabit connection. But Wi-Fi 6, and especially Wi-Fi 6E, tin can be significantly faster.

In any instance, keep this in mind: The connection speed between a pair of network devices is at the mercy of the everyman party involved. Yous can read more about that in this mail about network nuts, but the gist is the rate you lot run into is that of the bottleneck device.

That said, these are what you need to exam a device's Wi-Fi speed:

  1. A computer that plays the server'due south role and hosts the test information. This figurer must accept a Gigabit network port — or a 10 Gigabit Ethernet port if you intend to test a Wi-Fi 6 router — and use a solid-state bulldoze as its storage. Connect this computer to the fastest LAN port of the Wi-Fi router that you want to test. (If the router doesn't support Gigabit, y'all can forget about it. It's already too slow, anyway). Now on this server reckoner, share the folder that contains the test data so that it's accessible to other computers that connect to the aforementioned router.
  2. A second figurer — be it a laptop or a desktop — to play the Wi-Fi customer'southward role. This computer needs to have a highest-end (fastest possible) Wi-Fi adapter of at least the same speed grate as that of the router. This figurer should also use a solid-state drive as its storage. Connect this reckoner to the Wi-Fi network of the router. Make sure you split the bands when possible, be information technology 2.4GHz, 5GHz, or 6GHz, into dissimilar networks to know which brand is existence tested.

And that'due south it! Now from the second computer (the Wi-Fi customer), scan for the shared folder on the server computer and copy the information over. Time how long that process takes, do some simple math with the amount of data involved, and you'll figure out how fast the connection is.

For example, if the data you copy is 2000 megabytes and the copy process takes xxx seconds, the speed is 66.vii megabytes per 2nd or 533.6 Mbps.

Y'all tin move the Wi-Fi client around to observe out how the distances — between the router and the client — affect the Wi-Fi speed.

Similar to Internet speed, the Wi-Fi speed also tends to fluctuate. That said, feel free to pick the highest number of the same location as your router'south speed.

Gigabyte 10Gbps Adapter Card
Internet or Wi-Fi Speed Test: A super-fast wired adapter is a must.

Speed tests in Dong Knows Tech's reviews

It usually takes me at least a week to finish evaluating a device. I use every one of them as my own personal device for an extended amount of time.

For Wi-Fi throughput speed, I use the same test method to a higher place. That ways in that location's a server that connects to the router in question via a wired connection.

Important notation: My testing method requires the router to a Gigabit (or faster) LAN port(s) to work. For this reason, I more often than not don't review routers that apply the onetime Fast Ethernet (10/100Mbps) wired standard, nor should you lot consider them.

After that, I employ various high-end Wi-Fi clients to conduct the throughput tests. The following are the general specs of my equipment, which I, past the way, upgrade quite frequently — I volition update this postal service when the changes are pregnant enough.

Server specs for Wi-Fi speed exam

My server is a custom-built computer with the following specs (or higher — I exercise upgrade my equipment quite regularly):

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-8600 Processor
  • RAM: 16GB DDR 4
  • Storage: 1TB Samsung 970 Pro.
  • LAN connection: 10GBASE-T network adapter carte du jour.

Again, this server hosts the examination information, which I employ to copy to clients via the test router's wireless connection to effigy out the Wi-Fi speeds. The server connects to the test router via a 1Gbps, 2.5Gbps, 5Gbps, or 10Gbps, whichever highest bachelor, wired connection.

Clients specs for Wi-Fi speed test

Generally, I utilize three clients for throughput testing. They all employ a relatively high-terminate Intel CPU, 16GB or more of RAM, and a top-tier NVMe SSD as the primary storage.

  • Client #i: This is a desktop computer using an Asus PCE-AC88 four×4 Wi-Fi 5 adapter — the fastest Wi-Fi five customer on the market. I apply this mostly for a shut range (10 feet or shorter) throughput test of a router'south Wi-Fi v band.
  • Customer #ii: A Dell XPS 15-inch laptop. This machine has tiptop-of-the-line specs and Wi-Fi 6E.
  • Client #iii: An Apple tree MacBook Pro xv, meridian of the line. This laptop has a 3×three Wi-Fi 5 adapter. This laptop runs both macOS and Windows.

For boosted tests, I also apply a few other laptops, tablets, USB Wi-Fi adapters, and phones of different Wi-Fi standards, including some extra Wi-Fi vi and Wi-Fi 6E devices.

Wi-Fi router speed test: Information and configurations

The following are the data and how I conduct tests on standalone Wi-Fi broadcasters (routers, access points, extenders, etc.)

Depending on a detail device, there might exist more than testing. For example, a Wi-Fi half-dozen router will besides be tested every bit though it were a Wi-Fi 5 router. But all of them have to go through these.

  • I upgrade the hardware to the latest firmware available.
  • I employ single big files for test data, which generally have less fourth dimension to copy than multiple minor files. Depending on the tests and how fast a router is, I utilise a 2GB, 6GB, 10GB, or 20GB test file. Generally, I utilise the smaller test file when a bigger one would make the test have too long.
  • When possible, I change the router's settings to favor speed (and non compatibility, which is generally the default). I also test each Wi-Fi channel separately, as well equally using the Auto channel setting.
  • For official operation scores, I test the router with merely one Wi-Fi client at a time. I place this client at two specific locations that are (a) less than 10 feet (three thou) and (b) twoscore anxiety (12.2 m) abroad from the router — inside the line of sight.
  • I exercise multiple tests at dissimilar times during a twenty-four hour period and dissimilar days of a week and use the highest consistent numbers equally the terminal scores.

Also the operation, I as well used the router for an extended amount of time, from a few days to even a few weeks, with many clients of different Wi-Fi standards and tiers, at dissimilar places within my business firm or my partners' offices, to find out how the router functions in daily life.

I written report Wi-Fi operation in megabits per 2nd (Mbps).

Wi-Fi mesh speed test: Hardware placement

This is how I test multi-hardware-unit of measurement Wi-Fi solutions to become their official sustained real-world wireless speeds.

I always test the hardware in the wireless setup. That's because, in the wired backhaul configuration, in near cases, the performance of the extender unit (satellite) is similar to that of the router unit. This means you tin can use the router's throughput numbers equally that of the satellite.

For standard testing, I place the satellite xl feet away from the router unit. Later on that, the test client is placed at 10 feet and xl feet abroad from the satellite.

Also, I use the star topology for the testing, meaning the satellite units (if more than than one) are placed around the router unit. In other words, a ii-pack mesh will mostly evangelize the aforementioned exam results every bit a 3-pack i.

When the mesh hardware is Tri-ring — where it has an additional 5GHz band — I will test it in a way that one of the 5GHz bands works as the backhaul and the other works as the front booty. The idea is to get the all-time possible performance.

Backhaul vs fronthaul

A Wi-Fi connection between two direct devices takes place in a single band, using a fixed channel, at whatsoever given time. (That'south ever been the case before Wi-Fi 7, which might work differently.)

Generally, when you use multiple Wi-Fi hardware units in a mesh network, at that place are two types of connections: the fronthaul and the backhaul.

Fronthaul is the Wi-Fi point a mesh hub broadcasts outward for clients or its network ports for wired devices. That's what we generally expect from a Wi-Fi broadcaster.

On the other hand, backhaul, a.k.a backbone, is the link betwixt one broadcasting hub and some other, be information technology the main router or another satellite hub. This link works behind the scene to keep the hardware units together every bit a arrangement. It also determines the ceiling speed of all devices connected to the satellite hub.

When a Wi-Fi band handles backhaul and fronthaul simultaneously, only half of its bandwidth is bachelor to either end. From the perspective of a connected client, that phenomenon is chosen bespeak loss. When a band functions solely for backhauling, it's called a dedicated backhaul ring.

In a mesh system, merely traditional Tri-band hardware with an additional 5GHz band can accept a dedicated backhaul ring.

Generally, it's best to use a network cable for backhauling or wired backhaul. In this case, a hub tin use all of its Wi-Fi bandwidth for forepart-hauling.

In networking, using network cables is always much better than wireless in speed and reliability.

Like to the case of standalone broadcasters, I likewise use the mesh in different real-world scenarios, with anecdotal tests, to sympathise how information technology actually works and apply that experience for the review.

Important note on speed examination

Again, I measure the official test score by using simply a single high-speed Wi-Fi customer at a time. That's the only way to figure out all broadcasters' speeds consistently.

If I employ multiple clients, due to unlike speed tiers, standards, and the fact Wi-Fi bandwidth is shared, it's impossible to come up with relevant throughput numbers to say if this router is faster than the other, etc.

So, the scores reported in my reviews are likely those of the best-case scenario — at least for my location. It's the full real-world bandwidth of the router's Wi-Fi band in question.

Additionally, I test all routers anecdotally with a dozen or so concurrent wireless and wired clients in various LAN and WAN scenarios — again, over at to the lowest degree a few days to even a few weeks — to have a real sense of how good (or bad) they are, compared with others.

In other words, I practise really use them for my own daily needs.

Wi Fi Router USB NAS
A Wi-Fi router USB port can turn an external storage device into that of a network-fastened storage server.

Router network-fastened storage (NAS) speed test

If a router has a USB or eSATA port that tin host a storage device, I test the performance of its NAS feature, too.

In this instance, for consistence's sake, the following is the standard style I go about it:

  • I utilise at to the lowest degree ii random portable SSDs, out of this list, for the test and choice the 1 with higher consistent scores as the official numbers. Then far, whatever portable SSD has proved to take way college speeds than the router's USB port. In other words, no thing what bulldoze I used, the operation was almost the same for each router.
  • The bulldoze is formatted in NTFS. If the router doesn't support this file system, I'll use the applicative one and note that in the review. So far, all routers I've reviewed support NTFS.
  • I perform the examination using Windows' File Explorer (a.ka. Windows Explorer). It's a uncomplicated drag and drops copy test via the common Server Message Block (SMB, a.1000.a. Samba) protocol with a 20GB single file as the information.
  • The test calculator has the onetime and insecure SMBv1 disabled by default. This ways the router must support SMBv2 for the test to work. (If SMBv1 must be enabled, I'll note that in the review.)
  • I do the test using a wired Gigabit connection. If the router has a Multi-Gig port, I'll employ that port, likewise.
  • I perform each test (write and read) at to the lowest degree 3 times and selection the highest consequent numbers (within 5 percent) equally the router'south scores.
  • I report NAS functioning in megabytes per second (MB/s). (You can find the scores of all routers I've tested in this post of the best routers with NAS feature.)

Notation: The test for the router'south NAS feature is but for reference in terms of raw speeds. I use a real NAS server (and I'd ever recommend that yous practise, too.) That said, I only utilise the router'south USB port for a short time and do non try all available applications or functions, nor do I bank check for conflicts or issues.

Wi-Fi and speed test: You can't really put your finger on it.

Later on years of working with hundreds of routers, I have to acknowledge that Wi-Fi testing can go repetitive and tedious. It's besides non 100% accurate. Also, no one tin try every scenario, considering a router can have many features and settings.

Information technology'due south impossible to say for certain how fast a router's Wi-Fi is because there are and then many factors and elements that can affect a test'south outcome. That'southward not to mention the fact a router tin alter dramatically via firmware updates.

For this reason, I endeavor to keep my testing as consistent as possible. In the end, my goal is to show how a item Wi-Fi device does against others.

In other words, my testing doesn't hateful to correspond your experience of a router in terms of throughputs. Instead, information technology describes how better, or worse, a choice information technology is, amidst others, at the fourth dimension of the review.

In a way, Wi-Fi is like cherry wine. The experience changes depending on when, how, and with whom you open a bottle. Information technology'south tough to pinpoint what is in the complex effect. Only over fourth dimension, afterwards and then many bottles, chances are you'll be able to tell how fine the vino is just past the nose.

No, I don't smell any router — not purposely. Just I can sense how skilful (or bad) a router is relatively quickly. Nevertheless, I e'er have time to use it to make sure the assessment is fair and correct, inside reason. (And there have been more than in one case that my initial hunch turned out incorrect.)

That said, the speed test is just one of many things I do to evaluate networking devices. As a dominion, over again, I e'er spend the time to accept some real-life feel with them before publishing my reviews. You tin can count on that.


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