
About Us

The big economical crisis of 2008-09 once again exposed the frailty of the ruling class in all countries and the frail basis of the globe capitalist system itself. While the consequences of the crisis continue (even in countries that are technically no longer in recession) the fashion in which the depository financial institution bailouts and other 'solutions' were carried out created deep dissatisfaction and suspicion among large sections of the masses.

The economical crisis of capitalism and the political problems of the bourgeoisie also highlighted ii other crises. Starting time, the traditional mass organisations of the working course – whether the parties that include the words 'socialist', 'labour' or 'democrat' in their names – or trade unions that have represented generation after generation of workers in various industries, take been unable or unwilling to mobilise their ranks even to fight an effective defensive campaign against the bourgeoisie'due south attacks on workers and their families.

2d, the various organisations claiming to be 'revolutionary', 'Marxist' or 'Trotskyist' have generally been unable to contribute to the resistance of the masses against the attacks. In many cases they have directly acted as a left alibi of the bureaucratic appliance of the traditional leadership, or as sectarian commentators of the class struggle.

What nosotros have clearly seen is that the massive onslaught by the conservative state on everything from kid do good to pensions, on jobs and atmospheric condition, and on all aspects of social provisions (complimentary healthcare, housing, education and then on) has – so far – mostly been successful. All the hard-won gains that helped hold together the very fabric of working form communities are under threat.

While both the reformist and the 'revolutionary' leaders accept been in the depth of their own crises, the masses have had to fight their own battles: most recently in particular in Europe, in Due north Africa and in the Eye Due east – all as an expression of a world revolutionary crisis. With the reformist leaders offering no campaign to fight dorsum, or, worse still, taking part in the counter reforms, the masses have adopted new methods of by-passing the traditional leaderships and fighting on their own initiative in the streets of cities and towns all over the world. The nowadays crisis of capitalism has sparked the mobilisation of millions all over the world against the austerity measures that are supposed to stabilise the capitalist organisation.

'The historical crisis of the leadership of the proletariat' has still not been solved. Fifty-fifty the all-time of the leaderships still have work to practise on the theoretical, political and organisational level. It is not sufficient to be at the forefront of defensive campaigns or force per unit area groups. We must prepare ourselves for the rebuilding of a revolutionary international capable of leading the offensive to take power and taking the beginning steps in replacing the capitalist mode of product.

The attempt to build a Fourth International and the method presented in Trotsky's Transitional Programme can be counted as some of the biggest steps forrad for Marxism afterwards the demise of the workers' state in the Soviet Union. But we cannot merely rely on resurrecting them. Only every bit surely equally the struggles of the working class accept continued during the past 70-75 years, the long struggle to make new organisational, theoretical and political gains also continues. The revival of an international system that is capable of dealing with all the important tasks facing the working class is now the master point on the agenda.

As revolutionary Marxists, in gild to make our contribution to the necessary revival of Marxism, we cannot act without an organisational structure and plan that limited our previous experiences and straight our new interventions.

We telephone call our very modest constructionMarxist Revival (MR) and we declare our readiness to interact with the genuine forces striving in the same direction as us.

Marxist Revival is formed by comrades who consider themselves revolutionary Marxists and base their activities on the experiences of Bolshevism in the Russian revolution, the starting time 4 congresses of the Comintern, the International Left Opposition and the Fourth International. We struggle for the formation of an international vanguard arrangement in order to fix the world working grade for socialist revolution. The MR is not itself an international organisation or even a tendency. The MR is a project for elaborating contributions to a political platform, together with existing organisations and with individuals. In this mode nosotros want to contribute, both on a theoretical and practical level, to the building of an international arrangement.

Marxist Revival

10 June 2012